Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10th Malaysia Karate Championship

23-24 May 2009, Ain participated in 2 categories which as Girl’s KATA Individual category 12-13 yr old and Girl’s KUMITE 12-13 yr old. She won Bronze for KATA lost to Indonesian girl from Jakarta. She also lost to the same Indonesian girl in Kumite game after draw and winner was decided by the referees with majority to the Indonesian girl 2-1.

Netball MSSM 2008

26-29 May 2008, Ain was selected to represent Kuala Lumpur’s state for Netball game in Kuching Sarawak. She had to under go an intensive training at SMK Sri Bintang Selatan for about 1 month. No handphone, No TV, only physical training and learnt techniques of playing netball monitored by an experience coaches.

Kokurikulum Peringkat Kebangsaan 2008

7 - 11 April 2008, Ain was selected to represent Kuala Lumpur’s state for Perkhemahan Alam Semula Jadi Pelajar Sekolah Rendah Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 2008 at Pulau Pinang that was organized by Pusat Kokurikulum Jabatan Pelajaran Pulau Pinang, Kem Mutiara.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Olahragawati Sekolah 2008

12 April 2008, Ain was announced as Olahragawati Sekolah during SK Wangsa Maju R10 11th Sport Day in Kuala Lumpur. She won Gold for Long Jump & Shot Put “Lontar Peluru” and Silver for 200 meters, 4x200m relay and High Jump.